Git Mantras
Git mantras for OS pull, add, commit, push.
SSH Part 1
Generate RSA keypair.
SSH Part 2
Put public key in GH.
OS Log Codes
OS codes for log
Dennis Ivy
Good Youtube channel to learn Django
Suisei Channel
My favorite vtuber, Suisei Hoshimachi’s Youtube Channel
Tool for data visualization
Change Linux Username
It seems fairly simple, but changing username may lead to another complex problem if not done properly.
5D Vector
Idk, just, I got the inspiration of deriving the 5th dimension from 4th dimension (time) based on that blog.
Breaking Kitchen
When Los Pollos Hermanos met Gordon Ramsay
Node.js for Debian and Ubuntu
Normally we could only install Node 12 in Ubuntu. But using this distribution, we could install the latest Node version.
Suge Anime
A website to watch anime since the former one has been banned.
Ado - Show in live concert
Ado singing her new song, Show, in her live concert.
How to Use SCP (Secure Copy)
Gonna drop it here so I don’t need to bother Google it again.
Linux From Scratch
A great guide for installing Linux from scratch.
Kernotex Youtube Channel
A Youtube channel with many helpful Linux-related videos.